* New book - a collective analysis of L. Starewitch's work :

Animer Starewitch, François Martin (dir.), L'Harmattan, 2018, 222 p.

Animer Starewitch - couverture - 300dpi 100%.jpg


 * The most complete book about Ladislas Starewitch's work and life is :
 Léona Béatrice Martin-Starewitch et François Martin : Ladislas Starewitch (1882-1965), Paris, L'Harmattan, 2003, 484 pages.


   You can order that biography directly at the editor's : l'Harmattan, 5-7 rue de l'Ecole polytechnique, 75005, Paris, France.
    L'Harmattan web site : 


   The most complete bibliography can be found here, but below you fill find a selection of texts published in english :

Web sites :

* Eric Schneider : « Entomology and animation : a portrait of an early master Ladislas Starewicz », in Animation World Magazine, issue 5.02, May 2000

* Adrian Danks : « Ladislaw Starewicz and The Mascot », in Cinémathèque Annotations on Film, Sense of Cinema. Issue 2001

Books and articles :

* Léona Béatrice Martin-Starewitch et François Martin :
Ladislas Starewitch, filmographie illustrée et commentée /illustratred filmography and commentary, JICA Diffusion, Annecy 1991. French / English Edition.

* Neupert Richard, French Animation History, Chichester , 2014, Wiley-Blackwell, p. 60-72. The most interessing présentation of starewitch's work in a general book about animation history.

* McCown Julie : “Animating the Corpse : The Sutured Hybridity of Animal Puppets in Ladislas Starewitch’s The Tale of the Fox”, in Humanimalia (a journal of human/animal interface studies), Volume 5, Number 1 – Fall 2013

* Ken A. Priebe : The art of Stop-Motion Animation2006. This book includes a very interesting presentation of L. Starewitch's work. See except.

* Birgit Beumers : A History of Russian cinema, Bloomsbury, London - New York, 2009. p. 15-16.

* Maria Belodubrovskaya wrote a exciting study about some special tricks used by L. Starewitch mainly in L'Horloge magique compared with King Kong. 2008.

* Animation Reporter (Mumbay, India), december 2008, p. 59-60. Read the text

Carolina López Caballero  : « The Four Films in the Exhibition », p. 52-57 (Il s’agit des films Le Roman de Renard, Fétiche Mascotte, Le Rat des villes et le rat des champs, Amour noir et blanc). Read the text.  Published in the catalogue of the exhibit « In Praise of the Shadows », Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Irland, from novembre 4th 2008 to janvier 4th 2009, 152 pages : more informations about this exhibit.

* Fernando de Felipe : Ladislaw Starewicz, the Time Tamer, Foreword by Léona Béatrice Martin-Starewicz. Catalan / castillan / english. 47 pages. Fernando de Felipe is Senior Lecturer in Cinema History, University Ramon Llull. Published by Sitges Festival, octobre 2000.

* Donald Crafton : Before Mickey, the animated film 1898-1928. Chicago and London 1993, pp 237-242, 377.

* Silent witnesses, Russians Films 1908-1919. (Testimoni silenziosi, film russi 1908-1919). Associazione Le Giornate del Cinema Muto (Pordenone, Italy), Coeditor : Editioni Biblioteca dell'Immagine/British Film Institute, 1989.

* Wladislas Jewsiewicki : " Wladislas Starewicz : from entomologist to animator ", in Animafilm, n°4, 1984, pp. 6-9 ; and  " Wladislas Starewicz , the French period, 1919-1965 ", in Animafilm n°5, 1985, pp. 4-7.

* Jane Pilling : Starewicz. 1882-1965, published in 1983 for the 37th International Film Festival in Edinbourg (Scotland), 1983.

* Charles Ford : " Ladislas Starewitch, the pioneer with puppets on films has persevered despite war and revolution. " in Film in review, avril 1958, pp.190-192 et 216.

The booklets realised by Léona Béatrice et François Martin when the DVDs were released are an exciting introduction for starewitch's work:

  • Nina Star 2013, 29 pages. Four films : L’Épouvantail, Le Mariage de Babylas, La Voix du rossignol, La reine des papillons.
  • L'Homme des confins 2013, 34 pages. Three films : Dans les Griffes de l’araignée, Les Yeux du dragon, Amour noir et blanc.
  • Fetiche 33-12 2013, 15 pages. Original version of Fétiche Mascotte reconstitued.
  • Les Aventures de Fétiche 2014, 90 pages. Five films : Fétiche Mascotte, Fétiche prestidigitateur, Fétiche se marie, Fétiche en voyage de noces, Fétiche chez les sirènes.
  • Le Roman de Renard 2016, 50 pages (with Reineke Fuchs, 1937). New restoration of Roman de Renard.

Ladislas Starewitch around 1950.